- For Business
More bookings, happier guests
Increase booking conversion, revenue, and guest loyalty with a Weather Guarantee add-on.
The Sensible advantage
Discover why 4,000+ businesses partner with Sensible Weather.
500k+Weather Guarantees sold since 2021
87%Customer Satisfaction Rating
76%of Customers felt more confident to book when Sensible was at checkout
5-19%Booking conversion lift for Sensible Weather Partners
We pay your guests back if it rains or is too hot during their booking.
Increase booking conversion
Experience a 5-19% increase in booking conversion when offering a Weather Guarantee within the online booking flow.
Exceed guest expectations
55% of guests report higher satisfaction levels when they have a Weather Guarantee.
Increase revenue
On average, partners see a 9% increase in revenue due to the added Weather Guarantee option.
HowWeather Guarantees Work
We proactively reimburse your guests the day weather dampens their experience. No claims, no waiting, no hassle.
Don't take our word for it
The ultimate win-win
Enjoy ancillary revenue and booking conversion improvements while your guests get proactive reimbursements for bad weather.
- No cost to implement
- Sensible handles all payouts
- No operational lift on your team
- Easy, seamless integration
Increase Booking Conversion by 5-19% with Weather Guarantees
This simple addition to your online booking flow can offer travelers peace of mind and drive more conversions for your business.
Sensible Partners with Anchor Operating System
Sensible Weather Partners with Anchor Operating System
Why Skiers Want Resorts to Offer Weather Guarantees
Why Skiers Want Resorts to Offer Weather Guarantees from Sensible Weather
3 Benefits of Adding Weather Guarantees for Your Camping Guests
Discover three benefits of adding Weather Guarantees to your campground booking flow.
Answers to frequently asked questions
Connect with our team
Want to learn more about how Weather Guarantees can help your business? Schedule a call with a member of our Partnerships team today!